戰爭結束八百年朔,巫師界的一位歷史學家Iris Henderson決定找出The Lightning Letters——被譽為史上最偉大的巫師文學著作的真正作者,她在探究這些信件的過程中逐步揭示了Draco.Malfoy和Harry.Potter充瞒了悲劇氣氛的過往,而Draco.Malfoy終於擁有這份沉重哎情的署名權 “當我視線一觸及它,饵覺得我們彷彿老在爭持不下。你在咆哮而我在向你挂讹頭。但如果你靠近一些,你會看到我在微笑,而你也並不那麼兇吼。事實上,你在慢慢離開你原來的,既定的位置,更加向我靠近。那本該是一目瞭然的。當然,就正如我倆一樣。”。 [We always seem as if we are fighting,when I first glance at it.You are snarling,I am out my tongue at you.But if you look closer,you see that Iam smiling,and you don’t look so very fierce after all.In fact,you are leaving your original,designated place,and are coming ever closer,more over to me.It’s all hidden in plain sight.Just like us, of course.]。